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Advice when buying an apartment

Advice when buying an apartment

Advice when buying an apartment
When buying a housing unit through a real estate company and upon signing the contract, some customers may be surprised by the company’s refusal to give them a copy of the contract, until they review it before signing it, and here the customer wonders, is it legal for a real estate company to refuse to give the customer a copy of the contract? This question is followed by tips when buying an apartment for ownership from Al Gomhouria Real Estate Marketing.

Legal advice when buying a property
And is it legal for a real estate company to refuse to give the customer a copy of the contract?

The company's refusal to give you a copy of the contract is not legal, on the contrary, you must obtain a copy.
Accurately review all the clauses contained in the contract, and request the amendment of any clause that you deem needs to be amended.
If the company refuses to obtain and review a copy of the contract, do not accept that you sign this contract.
Because your mere signature means that you are satisfied and agree to all the terms contained in the contract.
In the event of any dispute between you, you will not be able to modify or change items, and you will not be able to prove that you are not satisfied with some items.
Another important thing that you must follow before signing the contract is to look at the company's commercial register.
And to see the building permit, and in the event of refusal to show you any papers, you are not accepted to sign the contract.
When wanting to buy a residential unit, the company takes an amount from the customer under the name of a reservation advance.
But the receipt for this payment includes a clause that this amount is never refunded.
And you must ask the company to recover the amount of the advance, in the event of a dispute between you, and not to buy the housing unit.

Important tips when buying an apartment or house
Legal tips to avoid being scammed by real estate companies:

There are some real estate companies, which only have a dazzling external facade, but they defraud many clients, and in order not to fall into this trap, we have collected a number of legal tips for you, which you can follow so that none of you will be exposed to the process of fraud, and among the most important of these tips are the following :

If the housing unit has already been built, you must check the ownership documents owned by this investor.
Where he must be the one who has the right to dispose of the unit in his original capacity, or through a power of attorney that he owns, and it must be ensured that this power of attorney is valid.
In the case of buying a housing unit owned by more than one person, such as inheritance, it is necessary to ensure that all owners of the housing unit agree to sell it through an official power of attorney.
If you buy a residential unit that has not already been built, in one of the compounds, there is no problem.
However, it must be ensured that the project land is not owned by the state.
You must see the papers and documents proving that the land has been allocated for the project, with the same specifications that the compound will contain.
Advice when buying an apartment
Tips before buying a property that you can check to ensure your right:
When buying a housing unit in an already existing property, it is necessary to ensure that the building permit is available
It must be ensured that the number of floors that the property contains is the same as the number of floors of the license and not more than it.
You should not be satisfied with the initial contract only, as this contract can be manipulated.
However, the contract must be registered, and a copy of it must be available at the Notary Public, or instead of registering the contract, you can file a lawsuit for the authenticity of the signature.
The contract must include all the details of the unit such as space and utilities.
One of the important procedures is that you transfer the electricity meter in your name, because it is one of the most important proofs of your ownership of the property.